Monday, June 17, 2013

Endings and Beginings

So my name is Leena, I'm 18 and basically I just finished high school and I want to explore new things. This will be sort of like my own personal online diary. I know high school just ended but I feel so stress free right now it is unbelievable. I am just so ready for my life as a college student to begin. Since this is my first entry its probably really lame. I just like composing my thoughts out, since I was a little girl I had always seen myself becoming something bug in life at first it was a journalist, then lawyer, at one point I even wanted to be an actress (I know haha!) Right now I see myself being a creative writer or something along that line but my parents want me to be something in the medical field but I just don't see myself doing anything like that. I see me doing something where I will be known to everyone my name will be what they would call a household name. I want to invent something, I want to end homophobia, bullying, and maybe figure out what the cure for cancer is along the way. Yeah I know I have major goals in life. I call myself a modern day hippie. Unfortunately for me I have no romance life, the closest thing to a romantic relationship that I've had is with a Ben&Jerry's ice cream and a chick flick movie out of my collection (Yea I know its lame that I collect rom/coms) This past year I would say I have changed and I changed for the better. I have matured impeccably and I couldn't be any happier. I have made many new friends and have ended some friendships, but hey life goes on. On my to do list before summer ends would have to be: GET MY LICENSE, LOOSE WEIGHT, READ MORE, BLOG MORE, GO TO THE BEACH, QUIT MY JOB. Lets hope I get at least 2 done. I know its ridiculous I'm 18 yet I don't have my license, hey now I have trouble taking tests. Well I'm going to be signing off for now its time for me to start another movie. 
 June 17, 2013